Saturday, December 25, 2021

My gender experience in Kolkata

The intellectual, well-read Bengali needs to wake up to the fact that all the revolutionary ideas that they have read while growing up, are not to be taken merely in a cerebral manner, but is also to be implemented in day-to-day life.

I came to Kolkata a year back. Been in Delhi for 15 years (2005-2015). Delhi was love. Delhi taught me how to stand up on my two feet, to stand up for myself and to stand up for others. And no matter what we do in Delhi, for better or for worse, it gets highlighted. Delhi gave me the opportunity to understand the corporate world and professionalism, it allowed me to mix with the political clout - the AAP, the Ministers and Bureaucracy of the ruling parties in State and Center. My career also allowed me to rub shoulders with the who's who of the industry - the C-suite of the top business houses, and the media. 

On the streets of Delhi, I have seen pride walks, slut walks, campaigns against rape laws, I have seen the presence and absence of police and administration. I have seen rowdy neighbours, but I have also had the delight to be with neighbors who were like a network and did not hesitate to knock on my door and send me soup and medicine, even as a contagious pandemic raged outside. In corporate houses, I have seen talks on gender, diversity & inclusion. I have sat through hours of meetings choking on an ominous smog trying to understand how to build a sustainable environment.

But in Kolkata, I am having a very different experience. I see how a lot of things that people elsewhere are revolutionizing is still normalised here. It may not be for everyone and everytime. But more or less, I am observing a few things in disturbia -

  1. 1. In marriage, while on papers it is a shared responsibility, in practical life you are still expected to behave in a certain way, and naturally undertake certain responsibilities
  2. 2. Working/career in many cases is an option. You may be expected to be a homemaker before anything else.
  3. 3. Social circle and social interaction may have a divide. Men sit with men, women with women.
  4. 4. Much less women drive
  5. 5. A lot more people are homophobic - LGBTQ to them is a Western concept. Especially a lot of the men here think gays are abominable
  6. 6. The word "rape" or rape-jokes are sometimes loosely used in a humorous way, whereas in Delhi many people have risen to the fact that this is not alright, and rather offensive
  7. 7. Plastic usage is very heavy, waste segregation is poor
  8. 8. Beating their children is a thing. Cognizance of child abuse and child psychology is low
  9. 9. Divorce is a stigma. By having a divorce, the belief is you break the family. So you keep holding on to bad marriages for sake of society
  10. 10. Neighbourhood is interfering most of the time and want a piece of your personal life. But are not useful when you really need them in sickness etc. 

While not all of the above may not be true for every household of every locality, but I have highlighted at best an approximation of my observation. 


Thursday, March 4, 2021

The empath is the womb through which a new universe will always emerge

What hurts you, blesses you
Dear Empaths, 

his planet is made up of two kinds of people - one who gives and one who takes from it. Healers, lovers, sufis, travellers, environmentalists comprise the empaths - people born with their cups filled with love that they have to offer to the world so that the world can heal from its incessant pain and abuse. These are the gems of humanity who can put the pain and the sufferings of others ahead of themselves. These are the people the world needs but do not want - the people who make the world go round while they bear the cross.

The journey of the empaths is one of the most difficult ones. It is one of constant pain and pealing and experiences. It is how it is meant to be. An empath is meant to be broken up, cut to pieces with shards of terrible experiences. "A wound is the place through which light enters you". I never understood this until late in my life when my heart had been broken so many times that there was nothing left to be broken. I stopped judging the world or myself completely. What was left of me was love and acceptance, and deep surrender to the energies around me. My recluse became my little hut in my heart and I was able to hold other people's hands when they needed some respite. I realize the value of the pain I was put through, some of it I inadvertently chose, when people started to stop at my little hut got a bit of placebo from my experiences, and got the energy to move on.

This is the journey of the empath. A loving and feeling person initially is like a child - innocent and loves everyone with all his or her heart. They come from a place of seeking love in return as well. But life takes its own course. Universal love is not about one person or fulfillment of one or a few relationships around you - it is about your capacity to love the entire world without losing yourself. The child-like empath needs to learn to grow through the pain, the rejection, and the guilt. They eventually learn that they are as beautiful as is the rest of the world. They learn to look out for themselves, to express with some gumption what they need and what they don't like. This the art and science of an authentic life, where you don't put yourself behind everyone else nor trample over the lives of others. You come to a place in your heart where you find that pot of gold - it was always there inside of you. But for this journey, you must first take care of yourself. The pain, the bad relationships only are a reminder that you belong to yourself first. Once you learn that you need to take care of yourself first, you will not give anything to others with the hope of love in return - you will then love life the way it is, you will love all connections around you and you will be able to become the nurturing force of this world that an empath is meant to be.

I know that I may sound eccentric to most people. But I certainly hope that some tired traveler finds this chalice when needed, drinks from it, and is able to trust again the journey that he is on. Everything is in divine order. The very hand that rocks the boat also nurtures the flowers. Life is everywhere around you - in your solitude with yourself and in the people around you. Breathe with it, sing with it, dance with it. And I hope that you are blessed with enormous amounts of love from the universe. so that your cup is never empty.

Peace and love!